Friday, November 12, 2010

Ornie's anyone?

I've been babysitting my two Granddaughters alot lately.  The only thing I can do and watch little ones is to make Ornies!!!   I take them to trim, turn, and stuff.  Then, I sew  the opening closed.  I have this big pile finished.  Tomorrow, they get stained and baked.  Then, I think some will go into  prim lamps, others,  in sets.  My Friend Joleen from the primitive bucket, gave me some ideas.  She rocks making Prim lamps w/ornies!!

This is the new sheet music star that I bought form Marian at missmustardseedinteriors.  I just love her
blog.  She is so creative and talented.  I hung my star in the front window.

Next and least, is my Daughter's new Guinie Pig.  Her name is Zoey.
I never thought I would like one, but she's growing on me! I'm such a pushover!
A vege eater scores high in my book!

Have a wonderful weekend.  Didn't I just say that, and now it' another weekend!!!


  1. Hi Pat - I love your ornies. Please post your prim lamps - love to see those.

  2. Can't wait to see your ornies after they are all primmed up!

  3. Pat, I love the pile of ornies. Can I borrow some? LOL Can't wait to see what you do with them. Zoey is cute, we had a hampster years ago. I remember the day it got out of the cage. Lots of good laughs!

  4. Mike's sister used to have a pair of guinea pigs--Boris and Natasha. They would squeal when we came to visit. It was as if they recognized our voices. Such fun little creatures but, oh, could they bite hard......
    Are the ornies going in the lamp base?
    Anxious to see your newest project!

  5. Oh you've got alot of ornies there Pat. I've always liked the paper wreaths made from sheet music. Yours looks so pretty:) You're braver than me with that guinea pig... LOL. Don't let it get loose around your books. Munch munch!

  6. I did the little ornies one year and strung them with beads in between and made garlands. Love them.

  7. Pat your floor looks like mine did!!! You go girl. Thanks for the plug too!! tee hee.. I want to see what you come up with, I'm sure you will make something beautiful out of them!!! Love you !!!
